FilletEdge best method as trim fails?

FilletEdge trim yes fails on this item, I suspect the narrow area.
What should the FilletEdge be done using or can this result be worked with ?
9 fillet trim fail.3dm (466.6 KB)



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This should be useful:


Hi Steve , could you explode the parts and then split the big part with the fillets then rejoin all ?—- Mark

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Thanks John for the advanced examples.
I try my hand at adding handles for the centre of the 0, and add four of them, click the dot and edit it to 0.003, for all 4, then hit enter and two behave and the other two go squiffy, yet the O is an even symmetrical shape.

I wanted 0.2mm filletEdge except at the narrowing as it misbehaves otherwise.

9 fillet trim fail.3dm (789.0 KB)

Hi Markintheozarks, some kind of trimming is called for it seems.


looks pretty simple to me … just some trimming and joining
fillet trim.3dm (432.2 KB)

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understood on 9.
however I copy paste that back to my master and trim and it fails, I then do intersect and the grean area fails to intersect my disc.
I then paste the offender into this file, I also then drag across your 9 and do intersect and it works in green area.

why is it not intersecting in my master, yet doing so when brought into this test file ?

In the master I see if it is a planar curve by using surfacePlanarCurve tool and it is planar.

also how do I get that 0 on the inside to fillet as despite adding handles, and making them rad 0.003 it fails at lower end and works at upper on a symetrical inner shape ?

though I also got .003 rad for its entirety and I wanted .008. ( 0.2mm)
9 and 0 fillet trim intersect fail.3dm (2.6 MB)



I am still still struggling here,
I have a loch ness monster of an intersect after filletEdge.

also the dot, the most simple of shapes, has a non trimmed and closed fillet.

The 5 I cannot manage. I try for intersect and trim things and no intersect is good.

also the centre of the 0 fails.

here is the file.
FilleteDge 6 5 dot A.3dm (2.3 MB)



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Trimming with the border curve seems to work fine in Rhino5.

If you are going to trim these surfaces with curves it might help a bit to do so in a Front plan view so that the curves are projected onto the surface instead of pulled.

The other fillets just need some trimming and joining. FilletEdge makes 2 fillets that you don’t need so delete them. Also to get a string of fillets that are connected end to end you need to have base surfaces that are tangent to each other. Where the underlying surfaces are not tangent the fillets will have gaps. I used MatchSrf to fix such a gap.
Filletx.3dm (929.2 KB)

Hi Jim,
thanks for that, I still have the A to do. I am doing the edges in one go then the lower cross bar and cannot get the one to trim the other.

Meanwhile I try to join your results surfaces and the 5 will not join to the fillets at all, yet intersect shows a decent line .

I have trimmed the 6 with a line and joined and the loch ness monster is no more.

6 and 0 and 5 fillet edge issues Jim fix join fails Filletx.3dm (2.2 MB)
