I am working on a file which has a lot of small objects( handrail balusters) and I am guessing this is what is making my file really slow… (to the point that every time I click on something the loading wheel appears)
I have read in previous forums and have tried the “ExtractRenderMesh”
I have also tried to delete all the other elements(windows, doors etc) I have and keep one file for my building and the handrail… However, the file size is the same as the original (3.88 GB)
I am just starting with the programme but I have run out of ideas on what could I be doing wrong and would appreciate some help! I am working on Rhino 5 and the latest version of Mac with a 16GB ram (If this is of any help)
Select them, type move, select a point to move from, when it says “point to move to” type 0,0,0, hit enter.
That’s for windows. Dunno if it is different for mac. Being far from the origin will often make things incredibly slow and have weird display issues.
If a lot of ‘objects’ are identical, it may be better to use a ‘block’ where only one is real, and the others are merely instances. File size much smaller.
Along with what Chris said (use blocks), you can also hide objects you do not need to see at the moment as well as change the visual style to wire frame to speed things up.