File Explorer - Description and preview image also for Grasshopper files?

Not counting the files of my design and work projects, I have around 500 Rhino and Grasshopper example files. Most of the files are Grasshopper definitions.

I find it difficult to keep track of what a definition does and which script is in which definition. A file name can do some of that but I want to add a little more information to my files.

I recently started putting together an Excel sheet where I add notes to most of the files and if applicable, a link or multiple links where a file is coming from or the post where I uploaded a file.

Something reminded me that Rhino files have a notes panel and the content is displayed in the file explorer.

Could Grasshopper files maybe also have notes added to them and a preview image saved with the file?

In addition to the above, it would be really amazing if a link could be clicked and it directly opens the URL in the browser.


I found out there’s a place to enter a description in the document properties and a custom icon can be set.

Now if this could be displayed in the file explorer… the problem would be solved.


I don’t see the reason why Rhino notes work this way and Grasshopper file descriptions do not. In my case, I need it much more for the GH files.

One, probably pretty bad with larger files, workaround is to save Grasshopper files as .ghx. One can search through that.

I wonder if it would be possible for the Grasshopper 2 files to have a vector form thumbnails saved with them so the conent could be previewed without opening the file. Reasonably sized raster previews may not say much due to the resolution. If not that, at least having some form of metadata would be very helpful. After all those years, users have a lot of useful Grasshopper definitions and being able to comfortably search throught them may help implementing the good practice which is splitting large definitions into smaller ones.

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