I am trying to create a fibonacci pattern that is radial not from only one center, but from dfferent one. Do you think is it possible?
For now I have the script to create a normal fibonacci pattern( with one center).
What I would like to achieve is to have different centers (similar to the image below), maybe using attractors points.
Quite simple to replicate, use Daniel Piker Rheotomic script with square, then search the intersection of curves, then group points that are too near. Then voronoi, then scale Voronoi cells.
It is funny you put that, I had the same idea. Yes its uses Voronoi but it is quite interesting that it gives some less classical look. It changes from all the broken bones support question !
I am a total noob when it comes to all these kinds of patterns you guys use in architecture and design, in my field you rarely see such stuff. And so this message popped up when I tried to re-create your algorithm above.
Quite funny you didn’t use often and it appeared
Also if you don’t need it Voronoi can be useful to solve other problem, like Medial Axis and many others problems … It is as useful as Delaunay triangulation (its dual).
Hello Alessia @etia.1, are you answering to me?
If so you were not clear. I gave you the way of doing the image you post as an example. So what is your main goal ? Draw something give the input you have … There are an infinity of patterns, so be more clear.
Not on my PC. I can post the script I have done but it is just 6 components so it is not hard to reproduce. First download rheotomic definition from Daniel Piker then add the others components.
Rheotomic Surfaces tool
by Daniel Piker 23/11/09
-updated 19/02/12
Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
You are free to use this for commercial and non-commercial purposes, to adapt and build upon it, and redistribute it (under the same license), provided attribution is given to the original author. Please include a copy of this text with any distribution of derivative works.
With Square