I am unable to export a surface as an FBX mesh.
The process fails with the following messages in the console:
Created a mesh with 24 points and 6 polygons.
Meshing… Press Esc to cancel
Open mesh from a closed object.
Open mesh from a closed object.
Failed to save as C:\PATH\TO\EXPORT.fbx.
The file writing plug-in failed.
(Where PATH\TO\EXPORT is replacing a file path on my machine.)
I have already eliminated “bad objects” from the export, following the advice from Jeremy Kaiser.
By restricting object selection by type I was able to determine that the problem comes from a surface (type id 8).
I am using Rhino Version 7 SR6
(7.6.21127.19001, 2021-05-07)
Running on Windows 10
Ideally, I need to both fix this error, and check for the possibility of this error in an exporting script.