Facade driven by data in grasshopper, please help


I am wanting to create two separate facades which are dependent on data. But not sure how to go about it, if it is even possible. I am quite new to grasshopper.

  1. I have completed Ladybug sunlight analysis of my building masses. From this I would like to create wall thickness which vary depending on the amount of sunlight they get. I.e thicker walls the more sunlight for thermal mass.

  2. I have wind data from Autodesk CFD, of which I have put into grasshopper and created a wind contour map. I have also mapped it on to my masses into a grid of faces. For the facade I wanted it to have perforations, the size of which are dependent on wind. The higher the wind velocity the smaller the holes.

If this is possible it would massively help me out. I would appreciate any help or alternatives. I am a bit of a helpless student atm.

Thank you

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