ExtrudeCrv + ExtrudeSrf

Hello! Thanks for making rhino great :slight_smile:

I was wondering if there was a way to get the system to differentiate between these 2 commands. What I mean is, since when I call either of these, I know I have either a curve or a srf, and when I type in “extrude…” it often jumps to the other one - the one that is useless for my currently selected object!

Since no normal use case would have us extruding both curves and surfaces in the same operation, why not have the system just choose the command based on the object type we have selected? It’s a tad frustrating to have to retype everytime because the autofill somehow defaults to one or the other.

Sorry for gibberish: I hope there is a way to make autofill “smart” ex: don’t suggest extrudesrf when my active object is a curve or vice versa!


Hi Ryan - nope - Rhino does not currently have this type of ‘smarts’.


Unfortunate. Any plans for this?

Would make extrude and a couple other commands a bit less of a hassle when I accidentally press tab and it fills the wrong one.

Make a couple of aliases like exc and exs…

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How did I not know this was a thing despite using the zoom aliases.

Thanks, this works!