Please help me with extrude my saddle surfaces i need extrude 3mm with 3mm
thickness edge. All tutorial explain extrude on regular surfaces not curved and where i find create edge tool like in inventor ( normaly i use inventor but in rhino is easy create saddle shape -
unfortunately, objects with rhino are useless after opening in inventory - they cannot be edited like native ones) no matter - so I have to model the shape in rhino, please give some help in editing such an unusual shape.
@yabba235 It appears that you may want to add thickness to a surface. To add thickness in Rhino use the OffsetSrf command with Solid=Yes. The Solid=Yes option creates edge surfaces which are normal to the original surface and joins the surfaces to create a solid. OffsetSrf works with both single surfaces and polysurfaces as the input, and the input can be curved. The thickness will be uniform. The major limitation is if the offset thickness is greater than the smallest radius of curvature of the input surface and the offset is towards the concave side then the offset surface may be creased or the command may fail. Rhinoceros Help?
The ExtrudeSrf command in Rhino works differently than OffsetSrf. ExtrudeSrf effectively creates a copy of the input surface in a given direction, and connects the two surfaces. ExtrudeSrf works with curved input surfaces, but if the input surface is curved the thickness will vary.
I noticed that not everything can be done with a specific type of surface - what must the surface be for me to stretch it to a certain thickness in order to then effectively groove a reduced outline in it so that a collar forms in it - of course, to a certain height?
All the descriptions I found are based on simple figures, shapes and solids - maybe there is even a paid tutorial about modeling more complex objects?
Unless you know a way to edit the rhino file in inventor?
You might try Shell and input the thickness you want to keep. This will work on relatively simple objects.
Otherwise, you might need to use OffsetCrvOnSrf with the wall thickness you want to get the inner curve you show in your sketch, ExtractSrf a copy of the bottom surface and trim it with the offset curve, then OffsetSrf the remainder with the depth you want to remove. Then BooleanDifference to remove the volume you want.