Extracting negative space of 3D object


Bit of an odd request, but I am trying to create a negative space of the 3D object I am working on.

This object will be CNC’d with wood, and it is designed so that they slot together to make a grid structure like the screenshot above.

With Technical view, I could make out what the overlapping section looks like, but I am trying to essentially leave the negative space and get a shape that can fill that section up entirely. It is not necessarily functional, but just to have a reference of what that negative space looks like.

What would be the best way to get the negative object? Thank you lots.

stage_final - Copy.3dm (2.1 MB)Ex

Hi @wuk ,

I’d suggest making two boxes > BooleanUnion them > then BooleanDifference the result with your model as the cutters.

I hope that helps.

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