Extracting Grasshopper many Coordinates to Excel with Lunchbox

hello to the community,

I’m reaching out to seek some assistance regarding a challenge I’m facing in extracting coordinates from Grasshopper to an Excel worksheet using Lunchbox.

I’m dealing with a tree structure with approximately 460 points in each branch. To extract the coordinates, I’ve exploded the tree to obtain the X, Y, and Z values of each coordinate point.

However, when I attempt to input these values into the Excel component, I’m encountering an error message. I believe that with 33 inputs going into the Excel component, overwhelming it.

I’d appreciate any advice or insights on how to efficiently manage this process without encountering errors. Thank you in advance for your help!
excel.gh (113.7 KB)

excel[fixed].gh (115.6 KB)
you needed to restructure the data. i’m not entirely sure this is correct, but it works

This is genius! It’s so obvious once it’s done, but I might never have found a solution without your help. Thank you so much.