Extract User Text Attributes


Is there any way to list or extract the user text attributes of a selection set of objects so you can use the information?

It would be super helpful to, at a minimum, have access to a data dump of user text attributes from an object selection set.


Hi Mcnaden, You can export selected objects to csv.

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Thanks Japhy, I don’t see a .csv export option on the file types menu. Maybe not a Mac option?

found it. tks

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HI, the csv export options do not show on my mac…only the standard export file window

Hi Giusseppe -

Select an object and run Export. Scroll down in the file format drop-down to “Object Properties (csv)”.

Thanks Wim, that works if I type Export, but the export button in the properties:attribute user text panel does not bring up the same file format drop down

Hi Giusseppe -

This is the dialog that pops up here when I use that button:

Is that not what you are seeing?

yes but there are only 2 options when using the button

Hi Giusseppe

I’d say that’s the expected behavior here.
What am I missing?

I thought that the csv options would show up here…I understand now that I need to control those from the export command…sorry to bother you.
I have been trying to create buttons for my python scripts by using _! _RunPythonScript “User\path\to\your_script.py” but it always starts by asking for the file so I am guessing that the command only reads the RunPythonScript…is this a Mac problem ? I seem to remember the file being read from the command in windows

Hi Giusseppe -

Please start new threads for completely different issues.
If you want to bypass dialog boxes, you need to use the dashed version of a command. You are using an underscore (and why _!?). That is for running English commands in non-English Rhino’s.

it was the same thread because I am using a script to do the exporting…