Extract Subcurve of Closed Curve from [b,a] not from [a,b]


i’m facing following problem and searching for a smooth workaround.

Given a closed curve, parametrized from “0 To 1”, the part from “0.98 To 0.04” is needed. Extracting the subcurve from “0.98 To 0.04” gives the same result as from “0.04 To 0.98”, i.e. the considerable longer part of the curve. How do i get the shorter part?

Things I tried, but are kinda ugly:

  • Dividing the Domain into “0.98 To 1” and “0 To 0.04” works
  • Changing the seam of the closed curve, such that there is no gap in the interval works, but in the general problem there will always be a “0.98 To 0.04”.

mwe_subcurve.gh (7.4 KB)

I think the first 3 components used here is your answer:

is there any solution for this problem?

Probably multiple ways to do this.

seam_2024_Jul17a.gh (4.9 KB)

Or skip Construct Domain:

seam_2024_Jul17b.gh (4.3 KB)

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