just a basic question:
from what I’ve seen, expression and evaluate are essentially the same component, just with a different appearence and also with evaluate you can feed the expression as an input.
Am I right or is there something I’m missing?
They both evaluate expressions, the major difference is that with the Evaluate component you can evaluate more than one expression, or maybe an expression that is itself the result of some other components.
The image you posted is a bit weird though, an expression is text, so usually you’d either type it in a Panel or directly into an Expression component. The x^2+y expression shouldn’t even work if you have no inputs for x and y. I’m a bit confused about that.
this leads me to another question that might be suitable for a different topic:
is there a way to “concatenate” coefficients and constants in order to create a function?
I mean to feed them into a component like evaluate just like you feed the variables x,y
correction: I mean the terms of the function. (coefficients and constants could be input as extra variables)
Can you put that in the form of an equation?
expression.gh (25.2 KB) ??
Or this one: polynomial.gh (21.8 KB)
the rythm that you can spread knowledge often overwhelms me!!!
Yes! you gave the answer faster than I could even pose my question correctly hahahhaa!
That was exactly what I was looking for and it just gave me a big boost in what I was doing!!!
thank you