Exporting object name of Blocks to CSV crashes Rhino

We have files of block instances that have specific block names that we are looking to make a CSV file of. When exporting selected blocks into a CSV file, regardless of what Export Options are selected, Rhino will crash.

This should be easy to replicate, simply by making a block instance in a file, assigning an object name, and exporting the block as a CSV file with any option selected. I have replicated this scenario across multiple files, multiple users, and within Rino 7 and 8.

I understand that I could get a CSV file of block counts with the block manager. The intention is to select ONLY the blocks that would need to be counted within the model and create a CSV of those only.

Hi Cody, a quick test here did not crash. Please run SystemInfo in the Rhino command line and post the results.

here is my example

  1. made a couple blocks
  2. named them in Object Properties
  3. selected, export selected to csv

is that what you are doing?

BlockNames.csv (538 Bytes)
Rh8-BlockExport.3dm (3.0 MB)

Thank you @Japhy for your prompt reply!

I did not think about recreating the issue with a simpler model. This also worked for me.

I attached a small portion of the model we are working with that is giving us issues. They are slightly more complex blocks. I also have other users that have recreated the problem with a completely different model. It seems to be a complexity/size of block instance issue.

I also attached the system info for reference

Block Export.3dm (313.5 KB)
Sys_Info.txt (2.5 KB)

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Using Grasshopper in Rhino 8 will give you more control.

Here i collected the blocks and streamed the output to CSV
StreamBlockNameCSV.gh (13.2 KB)

@tim - can you look at this crash? I am able to repeat.

Looking into this now. Check https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-84434 to see progress.

This is fixed now, thanks Dale. It will be in the next public release candidate. That ought to be available next Tuesday.

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RH-84434 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 13