Hey all,
I am troubleshooting the export to download component and how it works when a shapediver script is embedded within a webpage.
I have this script: ShapeDiver that has an export as .txt component setup and seems to work perfectly fine through the direct link. But something breaks when it is emedded here: SAFEAIRSPACES ESTIMATOR
The tab that allows export is there but when it is pressed it goes through the “Processing export…” sequence but only ever says “Export is ready.” without actually starting a download.
Is there a simple thing that I am missing? Maybe some extra flag needs to be enabled in the iFrame?
I tested the iframe embedding of your model in a different website and could download the export file without issues. I can reproduce the issue on your website though, which is likely a limitation of your website itself regarding embedded iframes. Please check the settings in your administration panel if you have one or contact your website provide directly.
Thank you Mathieu!
I’ll see what options I have on my end and probably reach out to the person who built the website.
Much appreciated!