Export a Rhino Design from Grasshopper as a PNG file

Hello everyone, I am new to Rhino and Grasshopper. I made a design on grasshopper using the components in grasshopper and I got the design required in Rhino. I want to export the design in Rhino as a PNG file - only the design I select in Rhino. Could you please assist how to do it in grasshopper

Thank you so much

Take a screenshot and save as png or render it and save as a png?

Screenshot will not work for me because I want to specify the object to export as PNG. I also tried to render it but nothing is displayed after the render is finished. I get a white image in the render window.

You need to bake the object in Grasshopper so that it creates geometry in Rhino. Then you can render it and save as png.


Or assign it a material in Grasshoppper then it will render.

There are more material options in Grasshopper…


Or assign a material to an object in Rhino, then reference that object in Grasshopper and Grasshopper can use that referenced material for other objects. This uses Fologram plugin.

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