I installed the new SD plugin (1.9) and I get an error (“content length missing”) when trying to load an image from a dropbox url (follinwg these steps: How to store external files)
The component work fine when I pass I a local filepath. I attach a couple of screenshot to get a better idea.
Any ideas why that is happening?
In non-technical terms, this means that, at the moment, we cannot support files stored on dropbox anymore. It seems that a fix might be deployed on dropbox’s side but I would consider relying on this service to be unstable.
Thanks for doing this. Do you have any other suggestion on how we load images that are hosted online?
I tried with Gdrive and Sharepoint but was not sucessfull. Any feedback is welcome
In order to bypass by pass loading an image from Dropbox, Gdrive etc…i setup a server where i build json objects based on used input and I using Shape Diver to parse this Json and visualize it in SD.
I parse the json to grab some basic data and a related image…Although i can grab the information the associated image does not load/show (i pass the url of the image to the default U of the load image). When i explicitly load the image by clicking it works fine. Any idea on how I could get it to lad directly the image from the json?
I below provide the link, a screenshot a link to the file UnitData_Json_Parsing.gh (48.7 KB)