Hello everybody! 
I’ve created offset curves and need creating surfaces between it.
In result I need to make close breps, but I had mistakes with surfaces in previously step.
What is my mistake?
I will be glad of any help
error_23-11-02.gh (14.5 KB)
with some change, tolerance for the offset, suppression of many component and use of loft options it seems almost good.
error_23-11-02.gh (14.4 KB)
Wow, but if ou zoom this breps you’ll see mistakes in these solids
Is it better ?
error_23-11-02.gh (13.1 KB)
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Your script has worked incorrect on my computer (see on the screenshot) and I dont know why - some problems on the last solid
I work in Rhino 7 sr27
I don’t know what it is. A curve could be opened so it could be a bad modeling or a tolerance issue or the fact you are very far from the origin …
I suggest you to try changing tolerances in Rhino and Recompute (F5) the script
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