Error Set Element Parameter

I am unable set Top Constrain parameter for a Wall.
It needs ElementId but we have Int… how do we get ElementId?

also maybe you can allow 0 string to automatically cast to number


Since ParamValue should take different types now is too picky.

In the first case you can put a level param between the picker and the ParamValue.

But give it by done. :wink:

Hi, I have a similar problem trying to set the top constraint level of a wall using set element parameter. I get this error text : “RhinoInside.Revit.GH: Failed to assign an element from a diferent document”

I never had this error before so i guess it has something to do with the v0.0.7683.19842 update ?

I’m running into the same error here, how can I apply a Top Constraint to a wall?