Error importing .skp to Rhino 6


I’m trying to import a simple .skp file into Rhino 6. Using ‘import’, ‘insert’ or ‘open’ gives me the instant error message:

  • Error importing file “*******” -

I haven’t had this issue before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

many thanks,


Hi John -
That sounds like a file-specific issue. Can you post that .skp file here?

Many thanks for your quick response Wim,

here it is:

Arnold RD survey .skp (107.2 KB)

Hi John -
I see that issue here in Rhino 6 but that imports fine in Rhino 7. It’s probably the SketchUp file format that is too new for Rhino 6. Can you get a hold of that file in an older version of that format?

Hi Wim,

Yes, I probably can. Many thanks for your help.
