Hi everyone,
I’m fairly new to this and I’m having a little trouble with understanding the error I’m receiving when I’m trying to use my script via Grasshopper Component. I have no problems running the script directly via Grasshopper to Tekla.
I tried to search the forums and checked the FAQ, could not find anything on this. Perhaps I missed something.
This is the error I’m receiving
“[ ERROR from the “Item” component ] Solution exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
The structure on the left is directly from Grasshopper and the on the right is via Grasshopper Component.
The issue is with the roof geometry that is created via lofting curves then meshed that I have adjusted too, decreased number of faces. Then feed it to the Item component with a custom name of that shape.
This is my scrip for the item.
Not sure what mistake I’m doing. Must be something I haven’t understood properly yet.
TS2024 SP3
Rhino 8 SR9
Grasshopper Component 1.4 (2024-04-25)
Please advice
Hi Arik,
It’s hard to know exactly without having your script with the data but my guess is that you should add a Clean Tree to get rid of any Null data. Also check that you’re getting the same length on the lists for Line, Profile and Attributes.
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Thank you for your reply, Oskar.
I haven’t tried Clean Tree, I did check the length and structure of the lists previously and they seem to be correct to me.
Here is my script. If you or anyone have the time, have a look.
I’m just playing around and testing so nothing if value, might be not well organized/structured, still trying to find my way. Explanations/comments are on the thin side / nonexistent. I can provide more context if needed.
I added a Jump to the problem area.
Tips and other feedback is also welcome, if one has the time.
Thank you
TEST.gh (80.1 KB)
Hi Arik,
You have some issues with the meshes, some are invalid. When you add a panel to the script an call it Output or O you can see what’s happening when Rhino.Inside is running.
I removed you mesh setting and added the align vertices to the mesh and that seems to have fixed the issue. You can also send the brep straight into the Shape component and use it’s settings to control the Tekla shape (Coarse, Smooth etc…)
Hope this helps, cheers,
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Big thanks Oskar.
I was wondering what the use for the output panel was for and how one could use it.
Thank you for helping me with this. I’m going to work some more on my meshing and verify them.
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Hi, a bit late but wanted to offer some explanation.
The meshing will give different results depending on the tolerance used, sometimes too high or too low tolerance can cause invalid meshes.
If you’re running the definition straight from Grasshopper it will use whatever document tolerance you currently have in Rhino, whereas from the Grasshopper Component (i.e. Rhino.Inside) there’s no Rhino document open so the tolerance is set to 0.1 per default.
If needed, the tolerance for the Grasshopper component can be adjusted by adding an unconnected panel anywhere on the canvas and labeling it “Rhino Tolerance”.
