Enscape doesn't work with Rhino due to .NET issue

I have Rhino 8, and recently decided to update my Enscape render app to the latest version. After this, every time i start Rhino 8 it says “Enscape plugin.dll needs Rhino to run in .NET Framework compatibility mode.”
I already changed Rhino from .NET Core to .NET Framework, even in registry, but it didn’t help and message keeps popping up.
I tried to install previous version of Enscape, but the problem persists.

Moreover, now Enscape simply does not start in Rhino 7 which I keep just in case. Libraries are openable, but Enscape Start button does nothing.

I already tried to reinstall Rhino 7 and 8, and Enscape, no effect.

Has anyone encountered similar issues? What can be done?

I use Windows 11, NVIDIA GeForce 3050Ti

While in Rhino 8 please run SystemInfo (verify the .net status)

The .net redistributables can get finicky after windows updates. Try repairing the installs as well as the Rhino install.

  1. Open Programs and Features.
  2. Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
  3. Search > Programs and Features.
  4. Select Microsoft C++ Redistributable, right-click and click on Change.
  5. On Microsoft C++ Redistributable Setup, click on Repair.
  6. Click on Close once setup is successful.