(Edit:) Panels not handling empty lines like they did in GH 0.9

Hi David,
Further experimenting shows that this looks like an End Of Line issue.

0.9 is handling empty lines at the end of text panels more gracefully than 1.0 or than the Mac WIP Grasshopper.

Simply deleting the empty line in the text panel solves the problem, and I’m happy to do that, but there is still the issue that and Windows 0.9 GH definitions with panels of text ending with empty lines have to be fixed before they’ll work in 1.0 on Windows or Mac.

I’m attaching a simple example file. You can see the “empty” indicator appear and disappear when you edit the panel to include or take away the last empty line.Panel EOL problem.gh (4.2 KB)

Seems like the same issue I was having last year when trying to use the Mac GH version:

Further note: The Windows GH 1.0 is nicely showing “empty” indicator which makes correcting this problem very easy. The Mac GH does not show this indicator making it hard to track down this problem when importing definitions from 0.9 to Mac GH.