Eddy for Rhino 7?


The mesh folder error could be due to a directory that is not local to the computer, or that is not enough folders down (i.e, you cannot due c:\folder). Can you try a new directory, and then run the sim again? And make sure the sim runs, if it does not run it will not work.

Also try renaming the probing component. If none of this works, replce the components in gh to ensure they are operating on the latest version.

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Hi @rsm278 . Thank you for getting back. I tried as you said but still its not working.I tried to provide a diiferent location too. When I click to simulates, for 2 second a cmd prompt appears and disappears. The simulate component is not working for indoor study. Even I tried installing on another pc but this issue persists. I tried other examples simulations are working nicely with new Bluecfd core 2020.

Hi, ok, I am going to talk to the indoor expert and see what she says about this.

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Hi @rsm278 .I installed the updated eddy3d version but still indoor component doesnt run. Outdoors are fine.

I am also sharing the example file with updatd eddy component that threw error for you to check.
unnamed.gh (31.8 KB)

I think the new component still searching bluecfd 2017 but we have now bluecfd 2020
I managed to take a snap shot while runing batch command

Hi @asisintel, Yes, you are correct, the Indoor module seems to have not been tested w/ bluecfd2020 and the wrong commit was released. It should still work w/ BlueCFD2017 for the indoor modules. We are trying to fix the issue now. In the meantime I believe another beta version was released that you can try. So sorry.

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Thanks @rsm278 for clearifying this. The above indoor component issue was with the latest build .I tested the latest beta version and I caught one more issue with new MRT component. WIthout providing CFD result directly to MRT component everything works perfectly but when I try to load CFD from run cfd component to input of MRT component it fails. Can you please check that also. Otherwise new MRT component is awsome. Its using radiance and energyplus seamlessly.


Could you give me a test case file set (Gh + rhino) and some screenshots with the errors? I’ll post these to our github issue report page. thanks!

hi @rsm278 ,
When I connect the CFD result to UTCI to MRT component it turns red. It say it is unable to find the file, but cfd has ran successfully and I could post process it . If I dont provide cfd result it works and performs mrt simulation without cfd.

I am aso sharing a refernce file to the issue.
MRT_Issue.gh (48.7 KB)

Hi Asisintel,

Thanks, I am passing this along. Could you also try posting your issue w/ files to this new github issue tracker we made? Eddy3D · GitHub

Hopefully this is a link we can share with the board here so when issues come up they can just post it to this.

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Ok. That nice integration. I am encountering a couple more of errors with postprocessing components. I will post there .@rsm278 do we have now new installer ready with updated indoor component working with B-cfd 2020?
I am not able to add anything on the above link you shard.!

Did you make a github account? You should be able to do ctrl+space and add an issue. You need a free github acct to do this I believe.

There is no installer ready yet with an updated indoor component for b-cfd 2020. They are working on it now.

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hi @rsm278 I think there must be a way for others to add issue as, if I create an own project i can add an issue but not to the eddy3d issue records. Can you chek if you need to give permission for others to add issue?


It seems we do not have the credentials to add a public forum and are waiting for our lab lead / github owner to do so. In the mean time I manually added your issue to the issue feed here : https://github.com/EnvironmentalSystemsLab/Eddy3D/issues/202#issue-1217322965

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Thanks for the update @rsm278. Eagerly waiting for the updated installer with fix for indoor cfd module.


See here for a response :Asisintel Indoor / Sim Issue · Issue #1 · EnvironmentalSystemsLab/Eddy3D-Public · GitHub

Hi @rsm278 I did an expriment by installing OF 2017 alongside OF 2020 on same system. I ran script and now it ran sucessfully and I could post process it in paraview too. So I now confirm the issue is with the component only as its asking for OF 2017. So it is suggested for now to have both OF 2017 and OF 2020 side by side to run Outdoor and indoor components respectively.

Hi Asisintel, thanks for this, pls put it into the github issue we opened for you if you did not already!

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Eddy3d ver has solved the indoor component issue. Thanks again @rsm278

Glad to hear that!

Hi all New here! Have we come up with a solution to this? I am running Rhino 7 and have installed Eddy and BlueCFD 2020. Please direct me on how I can solve this issue.