I am wondering if there is a way to input dynamic min. and max. values to a number slider.
I am writing a script (for Tekla) for a placing lifting anchors on CLT panels. It is a relatively simple script in which I want 4 anchors to be placed at the meeting points between my panel’s edges offset inwards by a value that varies depending on the type of anchor used and a circle that has for center my element’s COD.
So far no problem with writting the script, the only problem I encounter is with defining a range of acceptable diameters for the circle that could then be manually adjusted via the Grasshopper component directly in Tekla.
I would like the slider to allow the diameter to be comprised between the element’s length-2x the offset (for the max) and the element’s length divided by 4 (for the min).
Because our CLT elements usually have MEP performations (but also for various reasons too long to explain), I need to be able to adjust this value manually for some elements, to avoid the anchors being too close to a whole in the panel for exemple…
What I would like would essentially be something like this; the min amd max values varying for each panel since they all have different length.
I have done some research and it seems that this has been a recurrent topic but I am not finding topics on the subject more recent thant 2019 and the latest version of the metahopper plug-in given as a solution in some forum dates from 2019 as well and is for Rhino 6…
I found some work arounds in which a slider can help select a value within a domain but the max. and min. values on the slider (1 to 10 for exemple) don’t correspond to the min/max values of my dynamic domain… (each panel having it’s own length). And I would like the slider to show me what the min. and max. acceptable values for each panel will be…
I am a beginner here so please be kind
Any solutions/tips?