Adding Rhino Script’s not working at all.
Here I’ve tried two different ways to get it onto the Transform Toolbar.
The first is to specify the script in the Run Python Script command from the lower half. This results in the blank icon between cage edit and Move X. It also underscores the need to be able to specify an icon for something that doesn’t have one for reasons I’ll get to in a second.
The second is to create a new item from the lower half with the + button, and manually type in the data as show, then drag that to the transform toolbar (that’s the one to the right of the blank with the generic “?” icon. (Again underscoring the need to assign icons, as if even if this approach worked (which it doesn’t), you’d have several in a row with identical icons, which makes the whole point of putting them on the toolbar pretty useless).
So next I save this, open a new document and get:
Absolutely nothing. They should both be between cage edit and move right but there’s absolutely nothing there. I’ve had this happen previously when trying similar things.
As mentioned in other posts, the whole customize portion of the UI is the most buggy and the IMO the largest obstacle to Rhino’s success as a mac product. It’s ok if the developer doesn’t totally “get” how mac people think and work, provided there’s a way from point a to point b, which generally involves workarounds to accommodate the workflow of the user, but when the mechanic to do that doesn’t work it leaves on pretty much dead in the water. So while the script for the original problem probably does exactly what’s needed, without the ability to get it up on a toolbar someplace I’m back at ground zero, doing many manual operations to achieve the same thing.
Furthermore in the process of trying to set up these customized buttons I ran into another issue: once I closed the customize dialog, Rhino stopped responding to mouse inputs in the viewports. I was just going to draw a couple quick objects on the layer to test the script and the polyline command wouldn’t draw the points unless I hammered the mouse button several times and it was very inconsistent (resulting in the scribble in the viewport). I closed that file, tried a new one, and had the same result. Opened an existing file, tried that and had the same result, finally had to quit Rhino, and relaunch it to get it to work correctly again.
And even post launch the script commands do not show up on the transform palette even though a subsequent trip into the customize UI shows them both being there.