Dual tolerance option in Rhino?

I guess you mean x/10, right? Smaller… which is fine…


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Is it then possible, to Macro changing to finer tolerance, running a Trim and resetting the Tolerance to its original value, all in one go?

Then a custom button of such Macro can be used instead of the regular trim command when needed…


Hi Akash - it is possible in a macro to change, trim and reset to some specific value but not to an arbitrary previous value - that would need a script.

! _-DocumentProperties _Units _AbsoluteTolerance=.001 _EnterEnd Trim Pause MultiPause _-DocumentProperties _Units _AbsoluteTolerance=.01 _EnterEnd



FineTrim Suggested Button

FineTrim Button

I mean 10x better tolerance precision, for example going from the default 0,01 mm to a temporary 0,001 mm just for the “Trim”, “Split” and “Project” commands. :slight_smile:

I’m surprised nobody in this thread has mentioned RebuildEdges yet, because I think this has the option that @Rhino_Bulgaria is asking for in other tools:


(Now, my daily driver is a different CAD package, and that has similar tolerance option embedded in every single tool, but as usual, Rhino isn’t consistent in what it offers from tool to tool.)

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does not work on Mac (Version 7 (7.24.22301.23002, 2022-10-28)

That’s because Mac does not have DocumentProperties. It has… Settings (IIRC). And Preferences instead of Options. (or did I get that backwards?)

_DocumentProperties (units, dimension styles, … for the document)
is working on a mac

_Preferences (general settings for the app)
is the other part

Hi Tom -

I see this in Rhino 7 but that appears to have been fixed in the Rhino 8 WIP.

Does this work?

! _-DocumentProperties _Units _AbsoluteTolerance .001 _EnterEnd


! _-Settings _Units _AbsoluteTolerance .001 _EnterEnd


i.e. no =, just a space

both not working on above mentioned mac version

OK, something definitely broken there…

Does this work?

import scriptcontext as sc

SetAbsTolTest.py (63 Bytes)

yes this works.

Hey Mitch -

Like I said, that looks broken in Rhino 7 but is fixed in the WIP.

Yeah, got it, was just trying to find workarounds.

Methinks the fix needs to be backported to V7 as well…

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It doesn’t work in Rhino 6 on macOS either. At this point only severe crashes and regressions are subject to backporting.

OK, seems odd that this has been broken for so long and nobody reported/fixed it. Kind of an essential function to be able to set the file tolerance via a macro IMO.

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Dear Bobi - hope you’re fine…

because of this topic, I am revisiting older topics…

(would be nice to get more fillet fails examples there…)

and found a similar topic to this “dual tolerance” topic:

feel free to revive this old topic ;-D

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The one way to make Rhino better is to share user experience with the “McNeel” team and propose new ideas and suggestions for improving the existing tools. Sadly, nearly all of the major surface modeling tools are underdeveloped, some stay literally unchanged since Rhino 4, and need critical upgrades. Many people on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram thanked me about the tip to use a 10x times stricter tolerance during trim, split and project curve on surface operations. This is the only solution to cases where tiny distances or narrow angle between surface edges prevent Rhino from achieving the expected result. That fact alone means that it’s a must have to implement dual tolerance calculations “under the hood” in Rhino for those three tools.

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