Dual RTX 3090 not rendering in Cycles Render Rhino 7

Hi Guys, got my new computer, AMD Threadripper 64 core CPU and Dual RTX 3090. Tried rendering with optics and cuda using both gpu’s but had no luck getting a picture rendered. Any info if that is a bug or a (non) feature? Using just one RTX works fine… Or is the missing NVLINK Bridge the problem? Any Ideas? THANKS and happy easter. Q!

You’re not missing anything, multi-device rendering is currently broken. I am working on it right now:


Added this thread for noticfication once I’ve fixed this.

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THANKS Nathan… Hope you get it sorted soon. :wink:

Have a great easter holidays and keep up the good work. Cheers from Bavaria. Q!

  • Jealous and heavy breathing intensifies *
    Oh, that sounds nice! :open_mouth:

Jakob :grin:

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Hi Jakob, I feel for you. Took me forever to safe money for this monster of a pc. Too bad dual gpu is NOT working, was really hoping for even faster renders… haha. Cheers from Bavaria and stay healthy. Q!

not YET… (: