Drawing polyline out of different lists

I am trying to draw a polyline through these points, and I want an output similar to the attached picture. I think there should be a wiser way instead of using line components to draw between lines or playing around with the several components to modify the tree. I wonder if anyone has an idea? I attached a sample gh file.

data tree.gh (7.1 KB)

Simpler than this? Good luck.

data tree_2023_Aug17a.gh (13.1 KB)

P.S. Using Entwine to combine them into a single data tree.
But I don’t see yet how this helps?

data tree_2023_Aug17b.gh (17.4 KB)

In particular, the connections between {3;0;0} to {4;0;0} and {3;0;1} to {4;0;1} are different.

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Because I am thinking of calculating travel distances and I need to have distances from the beginning point through all these paths. I tried a few ways, including entwine and join curve, but I still couldn’t figure it out. However, I think I got your point.

data tree_2023_Aug17d.gh (12.9 KB)
