Draw order with blocks. Bug?


draw order commands (SendToBack, BringToFront, etc.) do not work with block instances. I would wish to use SendToBack, etc. on a block instance, which would make only the instance display behind all other objects.


Yep, I see this not only does not work for block instances, it is also messy if used with objects inside a block. I have no idea what the prospects are for this - drawing blocks can get quite complicated I guess, but I’ll add it to the pile.




Hi @pascal,

Has the Draw Order for Instances been fixed?



Hi Alan - Block instances still do not pay attention to draw order… objects in the block definition can have draw order applied and this is respected, but that is of course global for all instances.


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@pascal Rhino 8 just went into Beta and I assume is feature complete. Still, draw order for block instances is not addressed. The forum is full of posts asking for this feature, for years!!! By now, block instances have been removed altogether from the draw order command. This limits any professional CAD drafting workflows heavily.

From a users perspective a block in a drafting workflow (containing only 2D curves and hatches) is one monolithic object, that I must send forward and backward in between other drafting objects. Maybe a special 2D block with a completely new implementation might be a way forward.

Please don’t let us wait another decade on this. Drawings will unfortunately not go away in many fields. They are essential for communication.

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we will have to wait decades for other stuff too :slight_smile: stay calm :frowning:

Hi Silvano -

RH-35705 is currently on the “Future” list. This list is regularly reviewed and scheduled according to available resources and priorities.

@wim Thanks for your answer. What determines the priority on the list? “Feeling” wise, this seems to be a regular topic in the forum. It is also one of the things that regularly frustrates my students (architecture, it comes up every year).

I guess I best show the YouTrack item and link to this post in my class - to bump this a bit up on the priorities list :sweat_smile:

Jokes aside, in the YT item there are only two forum posts linked. A quick search shows dozens that are similar.

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Hi Silvano -

We don’t have a precisely defined process to apply priorities. Any individual developer will have to weigh their guess as to how much work it will take, possible negative side-effects in other parts of the code, available time, and user requests. I can review and add other threads to that item if you feel those are relevant.

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