Draw order not working with blocks

I have a block with a hatch over some other geometry (and hatches) and when I run bringToFront with a block selected, it deselects it and won’t let me select it. The block is also physically above this other hatch in Z-space, but still shows up below it in plan.
If I explode it, bringToFront works as expected.

Hi Paul - In the current way of things, draw order for the hatch in the block definitions needs to be set, not the block instance itself.


Thanks Pascal - I tried editing the block, selecting the hatch, running BringToFront, but when I exit the block, it’s still below another hatch, so it would seem the geometry within the block is outside of the file-wide stacking order. Is that expected?

Hi Paul - I guess I’d need to see an example - here, if I do this the block draws in front of a non-draw-order hatch that is ‘physically’ closer to the camera. But I can imagine there are more complicated cases.


Hi Pascal - Here’s a simplified example. It seems the only way I can get geometry (hatch or linework) to reliably be in front of another hatch is to explode it. Let me know if there’s something else I can try?

Hi Paul - please export all of those objects to a new file and post it here, or send to tech@mcneel.com, with a link back to this topic in your comments.


DrawOrder.3dm (2.9 MB)
Attached file has both geometry copy/pasted from the existing file, and new geometry made in this file. The geometry in both the new and existing block cannot be forced above the original hatch in the file with any draworder commands.
It does seem like I can force the curved hatch to the back, but that wasn’t an option in the original file, as there were other items I was trying to keep it above.

Hi Paul - I think I would ClearDrawOrder on the large gray hatch and then use BringForward/SendBackward to get it at the level you need.


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Ah HA! That was the magic recipe, at least in this test file. I’ll give it a shot in the production file as well. Thank you so much!