Download Rhino Inside

Hello I am having trouble downloading Rhino Inside, it gives me this “503 servor error”, is there a fix?

Hi -

That seems to be working fine here from
From which page are you trying to download this?

Yes it works now! Thank you

Hi, this gives me an error:

Server Error

Please visit

Any solution for that?
Rhino inside Revit will expire in 2 days (Version 0.0.7698.17821 (28.01.2021))
2021-03-12 16_46_55-503 Server Error 2021-03-12 16_48_39-Autodesk Revit 2021.1.2 - Projekt1 - Grundriss_ Ebene 1

Do you see the Rhino website in French, by chance?

Do you have a link? Ce ne pas un problème je suis francophone.

Maybe I missunderstood your question. No I see Rhino website in english

I believe this is fixed now - will you please verify?

Right, the link works again. Thank you

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Perfect, no more expirering message. Thank you for your quick help

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