Does Rhino handle solids the same way as Fusion 360?

There’s a pretty entertaining Fusion 360 designer on Youtube who posted an overview of a 3-day motorcycle model project he created:

What strikes me about this is that it seems like 99% of his process could be totally replicated in Rhino in almost the same way (am I mistaken…?).

A lot of his geometry seems to be a general loop of extrude curves to solid > cut/boolean out in another plane > make fillets > combine with more elements.

I haven’t used Fusion 360 really, but it seems like you’re never really exposed to the resulting surfaces / points made from this process.

If I were in Rhino doing this, I feel like there’d be these really painfully ugly/complex/scary surfaces and solids made of crazy points — which I now have an extreme knee-jerk anxiety of thanks to this forum :slight_smile:

So, is Fusion 360 actually creating some crazy non-optimal surfaces/solids under the surface, and just hiding that away from the user so they can focus on the design? Or is it somehow built/engineered differently to focus on creating clean solids through this workflow?

Best way to find out is to open that model in Rhino and see for yourself. But in general you could say: Rhino gives you all the freedom and with this freedom comes responsibility.
I believe Fusion is built on ParaSolid kernel so their filleting and Boolean operations will be more robust than Rhino’s. That is until it fails and then you need Rhino to manually fix it :wink: