Documentation Improvement

Here I am proposing an improvement for the documentation of the method:

Mesh.CreatePatch(Polyline outerBoundary, double angleToleranceRadians, Surface pullbackSurface, IEnumerable<Curve> innerBoundaryCurves, IEnumerable<Curve> innerBothSideCurves, IEnumerable<Point3d> innerPoints, bool trimback, int divisions)

It is common to encounter hidden contraints about data intensive procedural APIs that has not been documented yet. While I was working on meshing non-manifold special structural geometries, I encountered a hidden constraint about the inputs of this method that I think it shall be mentioned in its documentation. Improving documentation shall be also responsiblity of the community to reduce vaste of precious time of developers.


the section about “innerBoundaryCurves” input of the method can be improved as such:

// innerBoundaryCurves:
// (optional: can be null) Polylines to create holes in the output mesh. Each curve shall represent a hole and shall be in closed form If innerBoundaryCurves
// are the only input then the result may be null if trimback is set to false (see
// comments for trimback) because the resulting mesh could be invalid (all faces
// created contained vertexes from the perimeter boundary).