Do you use Rhino and Data transfer to Solidworks, Creo, Proe etc- READ THIS

If you regularly transfer data from Rhino to any other package and have struggled with data issues read this.

The #1 reason data transfers fail from Rhino to other packages is the simplest thing to avoid.

Set your tolerances in rhino to match the package you are transferring to BEFORE YOU START MODELING IN RHINO.

Solids programs have notoriously tight tolerances and they typically cannot be changed.

Let’s say Solidworks has a default tolerance of .0001 units. (I’m not positive of the number but it’s very very tight)

In order to have a chance of a successful data transfer you will want to set up your Rhino model to the SAME TOLERANCE. If you work at .01 and Solidworks is expecting .0001, guess what?.. your transfer is very likely to fail to come in as a solid or stitched object and you will be in eternal error chasing purgatory in Solidworks.

In Rhino, go to tools>options>units>model and set the units to match the software you are exporting to.

If you work in a multi disciplinary office and you work with engineers who use Creo… go talk to them and ask what their tolerances are (they will have to dig for that and maybe even call Creo tech support) Go through the work to get that number, then set up a Rhino template to match.
Then use it every time you make a part that has to go to Creo.

In my years of consulting, I never knew where my models were going, so I typically worked at .001 units to give my stuff the best shot of getting imported where ever it ended up.


-You can always go from .001 to .01 and loosen up…
-You CANNOT go from .01 to .001 and tighten up. The only way to fix loose tolerances where tight ones are required is to remodel your trims and joins. This is a HUGE pain and can cause massive rework that could be avoided if you set up your file to work from the beginning.

Hope this helps, happy Rhinoing


All of the above can be said for importing into Rhino as well.

According to Alias, it’s 0.001. Alias comes with tolerance presets for Inventor, Pro/Engineer, Catia, etc… it would be nice if Rhino did the same, if for no other reason than to dispel the myth (prevalent in my workplace, for example), that Rhino produces poor surfaces.

(Interesting tangent, we’ve just begun to use NX at work, which by default has very lax tolerances… not as loose as Rhino, but still.)