Dividing surface

I am trying to split a surface with parallel lines, like the red lines in the picture below.

Besides this, I need to extract each panel, something like what you can do with Paneling Tools. I am not very familiar with grids and panels and I hope this is a simple thing so someone can help.
The geometry can be a trapezoid so I don’t think it’s necessary to share any file.
Thanks in advance!

What surface? Posting that surface as internalized geometry would go a lomg way toward answering your question.

This is a starting point. However, this definition might not work the same way for other types of surfaces. Give it a go, I hope it helps.


This works pretty good but only when I create the surface with “Boundary Surface”. If I select the surface in rhino it gives this result (picture one with boundary surface and picture two with a rhino surface):

Besides this, I need to have panels with a certain dimension and the last panel can be with a smaller dimension (same as the picture I added in the first question). Is it possible to use Divide Domain2 but not with count but with spacing?
I tried to create it manually with text obviously it didn’t work.

Please see the attached file:
Dividing a surface.gh (22.3 KB)

DividingSrf.gh (9.9 KB)


And that´s why it is always a good idea to provide a file from the very beginning :wink:

Your first surface is a “trimmed surface” (when you activate the control points, you will notice they don’t coincide with the corners of your trapezoid. Your trapezoid is a sort of mask that is cutting a rectangular untrimmed surface). That’s why the isocurve grid doesn’t follow the trapezoid, but the underlaying surface.

Your second surface is an “untrimmed surface”, which is a surface you generated defining the four corners of the parallelogram. If you activate its control points, they will coincide with the corners of the shape. The isocurve grid of any untrimmed surface will be parallel to the edges of the shape, as seen in your image.

Understanding the difference between the two is important to deal with paneling procedures.

@Mahdiyar provided a good alternative solution. Here you have a more refined version of mine.

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How can we filter the polygons according to their geometry?