Dividing mesh with identical bricks

Hello everyone. I am trying to model Droneport Pavilion by Norman Foster. I managed to generate the general shape but I can’t divide the mesh with the identical dimensions of the bricks. Do you have any suggestions?

droneport primary modelling.3dm (14.3 MB)
droneport primary modelling.gh (31.4 KB)

I am not sure it is an easy thing to do. I am also not sure it was simulated by the architects. It is master bricklayer work.
One way could be to use geodesic in order to offset the border and use curves to guide some brick tool.

… ?

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Thanks for the reply! This was an approach that I was keen to do but I couldn’t manage to offset the curves as you did (I am a newbie in Grasshopper :)) Could you also send the Grasshopper file, please? I couldn’t understand what kind of code you wrote in the C# Script command.
Thnaks again

It is exactly the same as in the link I send. It was in VB but must still work in Grasshopper.
Take the border and divide it (1000 points for example).
After that use a mesh iso splitting (from Nautilus).

But as my code is not very good it could be better to use that

But if there is a symmetry it could be work to just work on it ?
divide dome geodesci.gh (64.6 KB)

Hello again! Thanks for sharing your script. I tried to use N
droneport primary modelling3.gh (35.4 KB)
autilus but I am having this error. Do you have any ideas about what might cause this?
droneport primary modelling.3dm (14.2 MB)

you didn’t follow the example.
First points on curves are used to initiate the geodesic calculations
You did that

Geodesic component will calculate for each vertex of the mesh the shortest distance to the group of points (here the border)

you must do

here is a way to do the bricking process. Not as good as it can be but it is a first step.
First the geodesic, I divided the mesh with 2 recursions but it leads to 5 min calculation. I must optimize geodesics !!!
I internatize distance on vertex so you’ll not have to wait.
Then I measure the max distance and that help me to make the isocurves depending on distance from a brick row border to the other border (brick width + mortar width)
Here the result

Then each curve is divided by distance.

A brick will be placed between 2 points.
I think the process could be improved here.
A line is created and extruded using line direction and mesh normal.

Then extrusion to make it 3D

Then I make some plane between each brick, it will be used to make to cut the bricks.

droneport primary modelling bricks.gh (377.7 KB)


Ah I see… But now I am having a problem with the license, I suppose :frowning: Should I pay for the Nautilus plug-in? How are the prices? I couldnt see any info about it on the internet.

Thank you again for the replies, I know my questions are getting longer than they should be :sweat_smile:

My mistake on this component, it is the extended one, the classical is free !! Use the upper one, here the extended is not useful.

nice @laurent_delrieu!!
I tried a brute force offset approach to avoid undesirable “chamfers”. works fine with some radius but problems with pipes with self-intersection. A kind of 3D-Clipper would be awesome.

:pray:t2: I thought geodesic was part of Nautilus.

offset.gh (455.6 KB)


Your way of doing is very good. It must work better in r8.

Yes for geodesic path but not for not for the metric distance. But I must do optimision when there are many arcs. And also add the exact iso distance. It is one advantage of this method, it is an exact one.

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I wanted to make a quick attempt … :see_no_evil:

Droneport Pavilion by maje.gh (78.6 KB)

All bricks can be cut from the same initial size. Most of the bricks are uncut.
This script is not really reliable, at some value it fails.
Mortar alignment is not checked.

… not really what I’ve done here… but there is a c# script to offset multiple curves in a brep… works but only used for this specific case.


I’d rather say complex and marvelous attempt !

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But in the end it was not quick :rofl:

btw … is this shape rigid? It would scare me to walk under it.
Are bricks layered with some sheet/net metal?
… i see from the pictures that the inside have different pattern than outside:
2023-12-01 22_25_31-Window
… so they seems more like glued “tiles”, instead of “bricks”. I can be totally wrong, I’m just looking at this picture alone…


Thank you so much to everyone!! You guys are life savers :grin: :pray:

Yes, it is rigid. This was a pavilion made by the Foster Group for the 2018 Venice Biennale. As they claim on their website, they placed all the bricks to work under compression and made the calculations by using the Rhinovault plugin.

Reportedly two layers of ‘durabric’.

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