Display modes reorder list

Hi there,

Having created a fair few display modes, I’m trying to reorder the list so it can be clustered according to my own setup.

To have filter options like by name, or to be able to randomly slide display modes up and down the list would be helpful.


More generally, should it one day happen that all dialogs get reworked with ETO as a foundation, any list in all panels should have the same basic functionality:

  • Drag&drop sort ordering
  • rename/duplicate/delete directly in the list, maybe in a little toolbar at the top, or in a RMB context menu (not with some extra buttons somewhere)
  • column header that allows for alphabetical ordering.
  • a name filter input field



Thanks guys.
We’ve got this on the list as 3 different YT issues - I’ve added this thread and comment to the one that is visible to the public - RH-12425.


Any progress on this? Any way to sort Display Modes or have I missed it?

Only with this script so far: