I’m trying to make my rendering settings on mac look like this image, except with dotted outlines on the object instead of solid outlines. Also no shadows under the object. Please help! Thank you!
Thanks Abby,
I believe the best person to help get you a Display Mode that is Shaded but has Dashed Lines would be @jeff or @theoutside
Changing the layer linetype and modifying the scale in the object properties is getting me here in shaded display mode
Unfortunately this needs to happen in Mac and not PC. I am able to do these on my end as well.
The grid settings are available in the display mode Grid tab, the background is available on the General Tab.
Hi Abby - the parallel line shadows are only available in ‘technical’ based modes -
like Pen, for instance. I do not know of those modes pay atrtention to the line type settings indicated by Japhy - I think not, but I’ll have a play.
Ok I got mine to this point. How do I get rid of shading to make it solid white?
I think @Abby_Dubois is referring to the meshes not the lines here…
I think (if I’m understanding the request here), is that something like this is the desired effect:
Unfortunately, that requires some tweaking of linetype settings for all objects or layers, which will then also impact other display modes.
Currently there is not a display mode setting that says “Always use this linetype for all objects”…but there could be.
@Abby_Dubois to get the “washout” effect, go into the “Custom material” settings for your given display mode, and:
- Uncheck “Use object’s display color”
- Slide the Luminosity slider all the way to the right (100%)
Here’s something you can start with…
But again, in order to get the dotted lines, you’ll need to change either object’s linetype or layer linetype to some desired line format (my image uses the “Hidden” linetype)…and then you’ll probably also need to tweak the “Model space scale” setting in the Linetypes panel to get the spacing you want.
Washout.ini (15.7 KB)