Display conduit: V5 to V6 changes

It does look like a camera clipping issue. I modified the display pipeline Draw3dText function to draw some extra elements to see what is happening so it looks like

public void Draw3dText(Text3d text, System.Drawing.Color color)
  Draw3dText(text.Text, color, text.TextPlane, text.Height, text.FontFace, text.Bold, text.Italic, text.HorizontalAlignment, text.VerticalAlignment);
  DrawLine(Point3d.Origin, text.TextPlane.Origin, System.Drawing.Color.Azure);
  DrawPoint(text.TextPlane.Origin, PointStyle.Circle, 4, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
  DrawBox(text.BoundingBox, System.Drawing.Color.Purple);

You can see in the attached gif that the geometry is being clipped at certain camera angles.

I don’t have a recommendation yet as I’m still not sure why this worked in V5 and now doesn’t work in V6. Still investigating…