
Hi everyone,

the forum is such a great place for exchange, ideas and help with really positive people!
I often find useful workflows or just little things that improve the “rhino experience” –

One thing that could be a little better is the discoverability of great threads/posts – simply because the title can’t always do them justice. For example: A person has a question regarding a fairly basic problem so one would not necessarily click on that specific topic - but at the very end of that thread @laurent_delrieu comes up with an ingenious solution that would benefit/interest more people than the OP.

It would be nice to have a way to find these post more easily than clicking trough all threads one at a time :wink:
some ideas:

  • more discoverability through an “image wall” : It would be awesome to see all images from all post in one place. This would help to identify interesting topics very fast e.g. like this: forum images

  • fliter for most liked post

  • grasshopper specific: some kind of archive/wiki/golden post with a shared pool of definitions for common problems

what do you think?

as you mention my name, I can say that you are right, old forum ( has/had an answer for the 2 first bullets.
For the third I think McNeel believe in food4rhino

For me it is too static, I prefer discussion.

For the advertisement I use Facebook, Instagram and sometime Tweeter. For the indexing I believe more in search engine. I think that most of young/student people doesn’t use all the power of theses engines.
What I don’t like a lot is the fact that many questions are asked elsewhere from discourse. For me Facebook, tweeter, are not good to archive.

and here

Just my thoughts

I’ll just drop this here again, as I think it’s related:

1 Like

Note I updated that topic, but might as well post here as well… this is Discourse… customized quite a lot:

One thing that could be a little better is the discoverability of great threads/posts – simply because the title can’t always do them justice.

For what its worth, the search menu doesn’t only search the titles, it also looks for keywords in threads, there are also other search options if you click the options button when clicking the search icon, so you can even just search posts that have @laurent_delrieu in them if you wanted :smiley: