Dimensions: separate extension and dimension line styles

I’ve read several topics regarding dimensions within Rhino 5 and have found several solutions for questions I’ve had.

There are still two solutions I’ve been trying to find related to dimensions however. The first was how to make it possible to have dimensions displayed besides the arrows, rather than in between them. A topic mentioned the use of control points, which will work for the time being. On the long run though I would like to have a means of being able to change a standard distance outside of the arrows globally upon a scale being selected that causes the dimensions to intersect with the extension line arrows. Is there a way currently to achieve this?

A second answer I’ve been looking for is a way to differentiate the line styles or thicknesses of the extension- and the dimension lines, without having to explode each dimension instance to change the lines individually. For example, have the extension lines be half the thickness of the dimension line.

Thank you for you time.


Under Dimension Styles : Text Alignment, check “Above dimension line”. This will put the value next to the dimension line.


Hi, Dwight,

One of the many challenges with dimensions is taking into account the thousands of picky little settings people want in order to customize the dimensions to their particular favorite artistic style. What we end up with is hundreds of possible settings to satisfy every need. You are taking a lot of time to explode each dimension and change the line style. What do you really gain? Is it worth the time involved?

I do a lot of this kind of thing myself in instances where others would simply accept the default settings, so I understand the desire. This is merely a question for discussion. How far do we need to go?

Comments? What other wishes are out there for dimension settings?

Hi Margaret, in reply to your opening the discussion, I think being able to modify absolutely every aspect of dimensions would be the ultimate goal. Color (of all discrete elements), placement, stroke, rotation angle, etc.
As more and more nitpicky designers pick up this application, the demand for this level of customization will certainly grow.