I’m trying to set the parameters for how dimensions are displayed. I cannot get the measurement text to reside anywhere close to the dimension line. The text sits far out into space. Can someone point me to the adjustment for this?
I’m trying to set the parameters for how dimensions are displayed. I cannot get the measurement text to reside anywhere close to the dimension line. The text sits far out into space. Can someone point me to the adjustment for this?
This is Rhino 7 for Windows.
What Named annotation style does it belong to?
In Rhino Options > Annotations > [that style], what do your settings look like?
I made some custom changes in the default style, but I can’t find anything that controls how far away that text resides. I have no other styles set up.
Please export one of these problem dimensions into it’s own file, open the file and verify the problem is still there, and post the file so someone can have a look.
A few questions…
It looks like this model started off in millimeters and was changed to Inches units, but all the other settings that are based on the unit system were not changed.
Where did this “default” style definition originate?
Why is the Model space scale 10.0 instead of 1?
You also have a Model space scale override of 5 instead of 1.
There are some additional dimension overrides set.
They are indicated in Blue and include Dimension lines and Arrows.
Under Dimension lines > Dimension line extension, it was set to 0.5 instead of 0.0
Again, I’m at a loss to understand why this Dimstyle has so many odd settings.
Does this help?
The Level 1 training guide has a good introduction to annotation here:
Thanks for the input John. I received a file that was in metric and changed it to inches to be compatible with my machinery. Then when the dimensions displayed all wonky, I started playing with things. It’s been awhile since I used this program last and I’m not up to speed anymore. I’ll take a look at the training guide.
Okay. If it were me, I’d try a different approach.
Start a new file using the unit system you are comfortable with, probably Small objects - Inches.
Then Import the other file.
You’ll be asked about scaling and respond Yes to that.
I think you will be much closer to what you need then manually changing all the settings one at a time. That’s certainly possible, but will require a fairly comprehensive understanding of all of the settings involved.
Good luck.