Dimension snapped to Object are different for Model Space and Layout

I am facing some issues while adding dimensions.
The object dimension in model space is 81.5" as shown in the the image 1.

But the same dimension when in layout is showing 70" as shown in the image 2.

Is there some setting that I might be missing to resolve this? As it does not make sense to overwrite all the dimensions in the layout.


hi @Kaushil_Shah you cannot get right dimensions like that from perspective views. To me it looks you are using DimAligned to dimension a perspective line in layout view. Best is to place dimension only on orthogonal views in Layout space, or make the dimensions in Model space, like you show in your screenshot, if you need dimension on your perspective views.

Hey @Gijs
Thanks for the quick response. Yeah it makes sense to add the dimensions in the model space for perspective views.