Dimension line placement

a question about placing size places
how can you fix your size so that the ip layout is not moved

see model is on rd coordinates

on paper in right in the picture

Hoi Jan -
I’m afraid I don’t understand the question. What are “size places”, an “ip layout”, “rd coordinates”?
I’m not sure what I’m looking at in those pictures.

rd coordinaten zijn wereld coordinaten
ik tekenen in deze coordinaten ,mijn baan is landmeter
hier door ligt de tekening in het model schuin in beeld
maar op de papier komt deze recht in beeld door deze verdraaining gaat de maat van boven op lijn naar onder de lijn op papier
hoe kan dit opgelost worden

rd coordinates are world coordinates
I draw in these coordinates, my job is surveyor
because of this, the drawing in the model is obliquely in the picture
but on the paper it comes straight into the picture because of this rotation the size goes from top of line to below the line on paper
how can this be solved

dit is een layout

dit is het model

@wim just to clarify @Jan_Vos information…
rd = rijksdriehoek, the national coordinate grid of The Netherlands.

The problem for him is that the position of the distance value on the dimension line flips acros the dimension line when rotating the model view, i.e. in this case from outside the dimension as per model view to inside the dimension on the lay-out view.

@Jan_Vos it looks like Rhino has only the options above line and inline for dimensions and no option for inside/outside like some other CAD software. If this is important to you you may want to file a feature request for this.

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ja dat klopt rd is de grid van Nederland
dat die boven de lijn staat of er in daar was ik al achter dat.
Door een gedraaid weergave op papier hierdoor verspringt de tekst van boven de maat lijn in model na onder de maatlijn in papier
kan deze vast gezet worden dat deze verspring niet voor komt
of met een up-date in rhino dat dit opgelost wordt.

waar kan ik deze functie verzoek indienen

In Nederland hoord de meting boven de maatlijn staat

Groet Jan

yes that’s right rd is the grid of the Netherlands
that it is above the line or in there I was already behind that.
Due to a rotated view on paper, this causes the text to jump from above the dimension line in model after below the dimension line in paper
can it be fixed that this long jump does not occur
or with an update in rhino that this will be solved.

where can I submit this feature request

In the Netherlands the measurement should be above the dimension line

A solution might be an option to keep text readable rather than fixing its position to stay the same, i.e. it flips/rotates the text automatically. E.g. Vectorworks has such an option to always keep text readable instead of just shifting it.

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