Deploy RhinoCommon Plugin, Installer & Auto register to Rhino

I’d like to know all about Deploing RhinoCommon Plugin ( using C#) , Installer & Auto register to Rhino.

I created my plugin&python scripts in my computer. Recently, My friends want to use it.

especially, I’m not sure these things .

  1. Plugin(.rhp) Install Folder (32bit / 64bit )

  2. How to register plugin to Rhinoceros in install script.
    (In Installer script, I will be able to operate registry keys )

  3. I forgot adding some plugin information (Author, Support, etc ) when creating project, Can I add these things already existing plugin project ?

  1. I find “PlugInDescriptions” in “AssemblyInfo.cs”.

By far the easiest is to give your friends the file(s) just like that without an installer.

Then they can store them anywhere on their computer and drag the .RHP file onto Rhino. After that, the plug-in is registered with Rhino and the next time Rhino starts it will load your plug-in automatically.

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