Decoding spaces space syntax betweenness analysis: peculiar results

Hi, everyone! I’m conducting an experiment on space syntax betweenness analysis. I attempted to create a sample analysis on a highly simplistic network to validate the analysis results. However, the outcomes surprised me. I anticipated that in a completely symmetrical network, the betweenness analysis would also exhibit symmetry, with red in the center and green at the edges. Could my assumption be incorrect? Is there an issue with the code? Does anyone happen to know of another plugin that can generate reliable spice syntax analyses for a road network?

Space syntax betweeness analysis (21.0 KB)

I guess the closer you get the equator (y=0) the harder life gets :stuck_out_tongue:

I would expect the opposite. Greener to the center. The betweenness analysis is a way to determine “centrality” in a graph. So either the plugin is not working correctly, or the graph is not created properly.
In any case, you should not interpret more than this into this analysis. Although we all love buzzword bingo :wink:

Hi, Tom!
I suspect that global warming will make life at the equator even redder :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m not sure I understand exactly what you mean, anyway I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong… I’ll try to use a different method to create the graph.
Thanks anyway!