Decal Widget not visible (Rhino 8 WIP)

Hi @Pascal,

After placing a decal on a single mesh in the document and clicking on the little Icon to “Show Decal Widget”, the widget is not shown or visible in any display mode. If i use _SelAll the command history prints:

Command: '_SelAll
1 decal widget, 1 mesh added to selection.

If i now unselect the mesh using CTRL + LMB click, and _Zoom _Selected it prints:

Unable to zoom - no objects are selected.

This is using Rhino 8 Windows (8.0.22305.12305, 2022-11-01).


Hi Clement -

This looks like it might have been fixed in the meanwhile:

If all goes well, a new public WIP would be released later today.
There are currently 7 stop-ship items on the list, 6 of which are in the “Needs Testing” stage. The last one doesn’t look like it should stop a WIP but that’s not for me to decide…

Hi @wim, thank you. I’ll report back once i got it.


Hi @wim,

using Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22319.12305, 2022-11-15) i can confirm that the “Show Decal Widget” button works in the decal panel.

To my surprise there is now a litle checkbox in front of each decal in the list, probably to change the visibility of the decal without removing it which is great ! It doesn’t work yet though, if i uncheck it and unselect the object with the decal, the decal is gone. But once this will work it is a useful feature.


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Logged as RH-71406 Decal lost after unchecking and unselecting object

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Hi all,

The checkbox was working when we added it, so this is a regression from an earlier version of the WIP. I recently broke this while making an unrelated change, due to an oversight. I have just committed a fix and it will be available in the next WIP release.


Thanks @johnc,

it seems that unchecking the checkbox removes the decal from the list shown in Object Properties > Decals and the viewport display. But the decal is still assigned and can be queried using code. If you first show the decal widget and then uncheck the checkbox, which removes the decal from the list of decals and the viewport display, the decal widget remains visible and it cannot be deleted as object.

I’ll report back my findings with the next WIP.


Hi @Clement,

That sounds about right. The bug was that unchecking the checkbox caused the UI to ‘lose’ the decal. It still existed but the UI just couldn’t find it anymore. It’s to do with the way the decal is identified by a CRC. My oversight caused this CRC to be incorrect when the visible flag was false. Because of this the UI couldn’t find the decal anymore. By ‘UI’ I mean both the list and the widget, both of which were confused by the wrong CRC.

Hopefully everything will be back to normal with the next WIP release.


Hi @johnc, yes, thank you for this explanation.


RH-71406 is fixed in the latest WIP

A post was split to a new topic: Adding decals programmatically broken in Rhino 8