Decal Texture Mirror Alternate tiles not working | Rhino 8 + Rhino 7

When you use “Mirror Alternate Tiles” in a Decal Texture things do not work as expected.
In Rhino 7 the texture does not mirror in both Rendered and Raytraced Modes.

  1. Here is the rendered view with 5×5 without mirror

  2. Here is rendered viewport with Mirror (no change)

  3. Here is raytraced with mirror

In Rhino 8 is worse. besides starting acting up while I was doing these tests and eventually just shuting down, here is what the same looks:

  1. here is rendered viewport without mirror and with the 5×5 tile. It changes the scale

  2. when you mirror it mirrors but in groups of 5×5, i.e. every 5 lines it does not mirror.

  3. In Raytraced the scale is not change but the texture is not mirrored.

Again Rhino 8 is slightly worse and slightly more unexpected than Rhino 7.

Any news here? were you able to replicate?

Hi Nuno -

I’m afraid someone that understands rendering in Rhino will have to take a look at this.
@nathanletwory, I see “Raytraced” is mentioned.

Decal alternate tiles should work in 8.9 in Raytraced.

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Looks like it is broken in Rendered mode at least on Mac, and according report also on Windows (didn’t check)

Hi Nathan,
Can you post you test model?
Thanks, N

I had already closed this file right after I had posted the screenshot, but here is a new one:

decal_with_alternatetiles.3dm (4.1 MB)

Hi @nathanletwory
Here’s what I see when I open your file.

I just noticed there is a new build available.
After update the raytracing mirrors but the rendered view still looks off.

I am guessing this is one of those that will not be fixed on Rhino 7, right?
