Data Input and Output Null Data

Hi again @arten-

Thanks for providing the files.

I just tried the following steps in Rhino 6 for Windows (6.20) to make sure that I understand the expected behavior:

  1. Launched Rhino 6 for Window 6.20 and opened your Ref.3dm.
  2. Ran Grasshopper and opened up the file you provided.
  3. In the Data Output node of, I set the Destination as Data.ghdata on the Desktop and made sure it ran once to save the data.
  4. In Grasshopper, I opened your that you provided.
  5. In the definition, in the Data Input node, I set the Source to the Data.ghdata file referenced above on the Desktop.

The Point component contains 5 Referenced Points.
The Curve component contains 2 Null Curves
The Surface component contains 1 Referenced Surface.
The Brep component contains 1 Referenced Brep.

Is that what you expect? None of the geometry appears in the viewport until I internalize the various geometry container nodes.

I get the same behavior in Rhino 6 for Mac 6.20.

I’m not saying the behavior is correct, I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. If this is not what you expect, then it looks like this is a general Grasshopper (ie: not just Mac) bug.

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